The Bizarre Thing I Needed To Stop Doing To Lose 45 Pounds of Fat

What if I told you that I was once just like you – trying to eat less and exercise more and still not getting my dream body? I was chained to the treadmill – six hours a week! – and eating as though my last name was Cottontail (yup, carrots, celery, lettuce . . . all the zero-calorie foods I could think of) – but instead of getting the body I wanted, I was getting my mail delivered to the gym because I was spending so long there!
I thought it was hopeless. I thought that having three babies meant I would never get my body back. I thought I had to figure out how to go from six hours to eight hours a week in order to get off my weight loss plateau and get rid of the extra 45 pounds of baby weight that was stubbornly sticking to my arms, thighs, and belly.
But then I started studying the best bodies in the gym and it came to me:
I was running fast – in the wrong direction!
You may be there right now too. You see, as women, we’re taught to deplete, to disappear, to take up less room and be less in the moment. We buy into this mindset and we convince ourselves that without pain, without depleting our reserves of energy and food, we can’t possibly get the body we want. More than that – that we can’t possibly deserve the body we want.
But I couldn’t deplete any further. I had three children in diapers and no time to waste. I needed to get my life back – and my body back.
I began to study the best bodies in the gym and I came to a realization:
The best bodies in the gym weren’t the ones chained to the treadmill!
Think about it: do you ever watch a marathon and think to yourself: wow – I wish I had her body?
Me either.
But an episode of Dancing With the Stars? Wouldn’t you give your right arm away to look like one of those professional ballroom dancers?
Those women aren’t depleting, and they aren’t spending hours on the treadmill. They eat, they move, they train their bodies to do exactly what they need to be a professional athlete, just like a skater or a hockey player.
I didn’t understand: how come those women were tight, toned, happy and healthy – and NOT on the treadmill? I made it my goal to find out.
What I discovered shocked me – and it may shock you too!
You see, by eating less and less, and running longer and longer, I was actually training my body to store fat! I was working against my own goals – and working harder and harder against them every day!
Losing fat can’t happen if your body thinks you are starving it, and it can’t happen if you don’t teach your body to view food as fuel, not as fat that should be stored away for an emergency. The cycle of deprivation that I was doing was actually making my body less efficient, and making me more likely to hold on to fat than before I started my diet and exercise regime!
I began studying elite athletes. I became obsessed with figuring out why some people could eat a lot more than me – three or four times more than me – and yet they were not getting fatter. They were leaning out, and they had energy to spare. I wanted that.
During the course of my research I figured out what two things elite athletes did differently than your typical mom-on-a-diet, and why they were always more successful than us poor women.
I finally figured out that most diets that we know – the points, the public weigh-ins, the eat-this-but-never-touch-that – are not made to help you lose the fat and keep it off. They’re made to keep you subscribing to their service, buying their special food, and measuring things that don’t really matter at all.
I cracked the code and learned the two things you have to have every day in order to create a fat-burning furnace. I quickly lost the fat and went down two jean sizes almost before I knew what was happening. You’ve heard the phrase “The Scale Doesn’t Lie”? I’m here to tell you the scale is telling a story you don’t need to listen to. Honey, your skinny jeans don’t lie, and that’s all you need to know!

I became a personal trainer and my mission was simple: I wanted to help women to stop depleting themselves, and instead to find freedom: freedom from spending hours upon hours at the gym, freedom from denying themselves birthday cake, freedom from having to feel like the rest of the world is metabolically gifted and you’re stuck in some bizarre fat-coat that you can’t remember putting on. I wanted to be a role model to my daughter and I wanted my sons to have a mommy that was around when they needed her – not stuck in the gym trying to manually burn off breakfast.
That picture on the left? That’s me on my 40th birthday. I look so much better than I did in my 20s. I lost the fat – and I gained a life – and I want to share my message with women everywhere.
Stop depleting.
Stop trying to be less.
Embrace your body as a wonderful tool that you can train for ‘go’, not ‘show’. Become a powerful role model to your children and your friends and to other women in your life.
I’ve written a book that you can read to start your personal journey to freedom: The Tiara Transformation System. If you’re tired of literally running nowhere, get my book, get my formula, and get the body you want – you only tighter, stronger, happier – more of everything you are right now, except size! I know this plan will work for you – it’s worked for hundreds of women all across North America. Stop trying to lose anything: I’m inviting you to share my secret and to get the body you want.

 Get it here


Written by Kalil

Hi , I’m kalil , owner , I create this website blog to help people Like me in make their Life better and more healthy , I started hard penis diet blog in 2013 to let people know that it is possible to have a normal function superhero like hardness all without drugs or supplements. The Hard Penis Diet is safe to follow alongside Viagra, etc, but you will notice you will need less of a dose after a few weeks. yes I did it and you can . I have the Experience to teach you how to reclaim your lost vigor and stamina and perhaps even your relationship. To Contact Me Always in anytime Please Mail Me Here : In twitter : In facebook :